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Tabetha Sheaver, Founder & CEO

Tabetha Sheaver’s Upcoming Corporate Events & Public Speaking Engagements

Tue, Aug 09


Favazza's on the Hill

Connection Circle Dinner

Join St. Louis' exclusive Connection Circle Dinner Tuesday, August 9th!

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Connection Circle Dinner
Connection Circle Dinner

Time & Location

Aug 09, 2022, 6:00 PM

Favazza's on the Hill, 5201 Southwest Ave, St. Louis, MO 63139, USA

About the event

We are hosting a connection circle for a select group of professionals in my network and I thought you would be a good addition to the group because from what I know of you so far we serve similar clientele and you have a vested interest in the betterment of small businesses.

This is an exclusive, invite-only event where I have curated other professionals that serve small business owners- typically with 10-250 employees in the St. Louis area. I believe by sharing a meal together and getting to know each other we can make St. Louis businesses great!

The evening will be an opportunity to get to know these people on a more personal level and if there is a connection you can share resources, knowledge, and possibly at some point leads.

This is a no-soliciting, no-selling event. It is just designed to get to know each other in the spirit of curiosity, connection, and contribution.

The event will be at Favazza's on the Hill at 6:00pm. Each person will pay for their own meal.

Please no last-minute cancellations as we have commitments to the restaurant and it takes away others' opportunities to participate. Please email with your RSVP and any questions you might have.

Thank you and I hope to see you there!

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